úterý 13. ledna 2015


Mitt zřejmě začíná rozjíždět svoji štábní mašinu, a zdá se, že to je serióznější, než to vypadalo před pár dny.
Mitt Romney is moving quickly to reassemble his national political network, calling former aides, donors and other supporters over the weekend and on Monday in a concerted push to signal his seriousness about possibly launching a 2016 presidential campaign.
Romney’s message, as he told one senior Republican, was that he “almost certainly will” make what would be his third bid for the White House. 
Nuž, boj o sponzory s Bushem bude asi tuhý. 

Mezitím vyšel na Netflixu dokument o Mittovi. Pro zžíravou kritiku Mitta (spíše než dokumentu) viz zde.

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