neděle 30. srpna 2015

Soudní novinky 15-35 (Clarence Thomas (asi) neopisuje)

  • Garzón zase divočí. (Spain's campaigning judge seeks change in law to prosecute global corporations: "Now Baltasar Garzón, the Spanish judge who redefined the boundaries of cross-border justice, has set his sights on widening the definition of international law to target corporations that carry out economic or environmental crimes. “Humanitarian and economic crises cause more deaths around the world than all of the genocides we have documented,” said Garzón, who made headlines around the world when he ordered the 1998 arrest of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet in London.")
  • Adam Liptak v NYT nešetřil soudce SCOTUS Clarence Thomase: "Justice Clarence Thomas has not asked a question from the Supreme Court bench since 2006. His majority opinions tend to be brisk, efficient and dutiful. Now, studies using linguistic software have discovered another Thomas trait: Those opinions contain language from briefs submitted to the court at unusually high rates." Zatímco s první větou moc polemizovat nelze, s poslední citovanou větou Orin Kerr (GWU) nesouhlasí.
  • Rozhovor s Janem Kyselou o obsazování pozic českých ústavních soudců.
  • V USA žijí právní blogy zajímavou otázkou, jestli odvolací soudcové (v tomto případě mj. respektovaný, byť kontroverzní soudce Posner) mají v adversárním procesu spoléhat pouze na argumentaci stran, nebo si mohou udělat i vlastní internetový výzkum. Profesor Eric Segall se například staví za Posnera: "The availability of an enormous amount of reliable internet information is a phenomenon less than fifteen years old. How judges should use that vast repository is a difficult question that requires more study and thought. But, in this case, where the issue was one of correct medical procedure, where that question can be looked at through examination of numerous respected web sites, and where the adversary process involves a resource-deprived prisoner against a well-funded state defendant, it would be the height of formalism to prohibit appellate judges from consulting any source outside the formal and closed record of the case. At least in those circumstances, justice and a fair result properly trumped unnecessary legal rigidity."
  • Nakladatelství Oxford UP připravilo velmi příjemnou záležitost - kolekci článků zdarma na téma Judicializace mezinárodního práva
  • 10 filmů s právní tématikou, které byste měli zhlédnout.
  • The Economist: Term limits and the Supreme Court. Is it bad to have a bunch of old judges?
  • Benson Chinedu Olugbuo: Law and politics at the International Criminal Court.
  • Jak se mají právníci v Egyptě (Homosexuality is legal – but not allowed).
  • Bruce Ackerman, profesor z Yale, na téma Can the Supreme Court Force Congress to Own the War on ISIS? Judicial intervention may be the only way left to break the political impasse on authorizing Obama’s use of force. A velmi nesouhlasná odpověď Stevea Vladecka z American University.

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