neděle 8. listopadu 2015

Soudní novinky 15-44+45 (O gruzínských kšeftech s marihuanou)

Semestr je hektický, proto opět dvoutýdenní shrnutí.

  • Dlouhý a otevřený rozhovor v HN s předsedy NSS a NS Baxou a Šámalem zejména o radě soudnictví a zjevně napjatých vztazích s ministerstvem spravedlnosti.
  • Ulad Belavusau komentuje rozsudek ESLP v případu Perincek proti Švýcarsku. ("In combination with an extremely questionable hierarchy between the Holocaust and other genocides, this failure to distance from Perinçek – albeit rightly protecting his freedom of expression – leaves strikingly little to sustain the dignity of the Armenian victims.")
  • Ibtissem Guenfoud: Boycott calls and double standards: another French limitation of freedom of expression ("France, once the motherland of human rights, is increasingly clamping down on freedom of expression. According to a recent decision by the French Supreme Court, calling for boycott on Israeli goods is illegal under french law. Fourteen members of the activist group Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS), campaigning for the economic, academic, sports and cultural boycott of Israel, learned it the hard way in two decisions of October 20th which confirmed on the highest level of criminal jurisdiction their conviction to 12,000 € in damages and 1,000 € in fine. Joining Israel, France makes for the only european country to penalize boycott calls on products of Israeli origin, as well as the first democracy.").
  • Sanjeevi Seshadri: David V. Goliath – The Republic of Marshall Islands’ Day in Court ("The Republic of Marshall Islands (‘RMI’) is an island nation, located in the Pacific Ocean, with a population of 68,840 people. On the 24th April 2014, the RMI filed a dispute before the International Court of Justice (‘ICJ’), against 9 states, namely, the United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea for violating their nuclear disarmament obligations under customary international law and the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (‘NPT’).")
  • A man from Northern Ireland has won a landmark case in the European Court of Human Rights. The claimant, known only as RE after being granted anonymity by the court, alleged that the PSNI breached his right to privacy by listening to conversations he had with his lawyer.
  • The Constitutional Court of Armenia on Tuesday ruled that journalists are not obliged to disclose their confidential sources of information in cases not involving heavy crimes and the need to protect a person.
  • The Georgian Constitutional Court ruled on Saturday that applying imprisonment as a punishment for purchasing and possessing up to 70 grams of marijuana for personal use is unconstitutional. (Ilustrační foto z Gruzie, nejedná se o marihuanu.)

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