pondělí 5. prosince 2016

Rekalibrace americko-čínských vztahů?

Zajímavé články ve WashPost zde a zde týkající se překvapivého telefonního hovoru Trumpa a taiwanské prezidentky, které odporují desítkám let starému protokolu:

Meanwhile, John Bolton, a Trump ally and former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, visited Trump Tower in New York for undisclosed reasons on Friday, according to Politico. 
He wrote in a Wall Street Journal article in January that the United States should consider playing the “Taiwan card” against China, to force it to abandon its South China Sea claims. 
“If Beijing isn’t willing to back down, America has a diplomatic ladder of escalation that would compel Beijing’s attention,” he wrote, suggesting receiving Taiwanese diplomats officially at the State Department, upgrading the status of U.S. representation in Taipei to an official diplomatic mission, inviting Taiwan’s president to travel in an official capacity to the United States and ultimately possibly restoring full diplomatic recognition.

Trochu se to vyhrocuje (NYT):

China warned President-elect Donald J. Trump on Monday that he was risking a confrontation over Taiwan, even as Mr. Trump broadened the dispute with new messages on Twitter challenging Beijing’s trade policies and military activities in the South China Sea. 
For his part, Mr. Trump seemed to take umbrage at the idea that he needed China’s approval to speak with Ms. Tsai. In two posts on Twitter, he wrote: “Did China ask us if it was O.K. to devalue their currency (making it hard for our companies to compete), heavily tax our products going into their country (the U.S. doesn’t tax them) or to build a massive military complex in the middle of the South China Sea? I don’t think so!”

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