The Young Atlanticist NATO Working Group and Young Atlanticist Summits - forming a working group of leading young minds to discuss issues related to transatlantic and global security. Members of this group will have access to a series of unique online programming, including a running peer-peer dialogue and a series of web and phone conferences with leading experts and practitioners. Members of the working group will also have the opportunity to earn subsidized in-person participation in one or both of two Young Atlanticist Summits – one on the margins of the GLOBSEC Security Conference in Bratislava in April 2012, and the other on the sidelines of the NATO Summit in Chicago in May 2012.
- recruiting participants from all NATO member and partner countries.
- the application form can also be downloaded at, and note the February 6 deadline for submission.
David Kirk
Director, Young Atlanticist Program
Atlantic Council of the United States
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