neděle 12. července 2015

Soudní laskonky 15-28

Stala se takřka neuvěřitelná věc, pár studentů kurzů na FSS týkajících se soudů údajně bude postrádat každotýdenní přehled zajímavostí ze soudního světa, které jsem na seminářích prezentoval. Rozhodl jsem se tedy své přípravy institucionalizovat a pokusím se každou neděli (pokusím!) připravit přehled zajímavostí ze soudního světa za uplynulý týden.
Mohlo by se tím zabít vícero masařek, jednak si novinky lépe zapamatuji a jednak pomohu aktualizovat náš blog (i když to se teď díky čínskému intermezzu daří nad očekávání).
Vycházet budu zejména z různých blogů, newsletterů a především z What’s New in Comparative Public Law. Kdokoliv je pochopitelně vítán přispět v komentáři svým tipem. 
  • Soudní dvůr EU se má na co těšit: "Moreover, I would like to draw your attention to a new case in which a Belgian court has asked the Court of Justice whether UEFA’s (Union of European Football Associations) Financial Fair Play Rules are compatible with fundamental EU freedoms (free movement of persons, capital and services) as well as with EU competition rules. The case has been registered under the case number C-299/15. It’s worth remembering that by its Bosman Judgment of 1995 the Court had already a great impact on the evolution of European football as it ruled that on matches between sport clubs established in the EU the number of players from other Member States cannot be limited." Balázs Lehóczki (Newsletter of the Court of Justice)
  • Supreme Court Rejects Obama's Drive To Cut Mercury Emissions From Power Plants (""EPA strayed well beyond the bounds of reasonable interpretation in concluding that cost is not a factor relevant to the appropriateness of regulating power plants," concluded the majority. Justice Elena Kagan, joined by Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor, wrote a scathing dissent that argues that the EPA did consider the costs of complying with the regulations -- just not at the initial stage of determining whether or not to regulate mercury emissions in the first place.")
  • Supreme Court Upholds Oklahoma's Use Of Lethal Injection Drug
  • Nezahálí ani ústavní soud v Turecku: "The Constitutional Court ruling notes that the fact that the Turkish Penal Code punishes with imprisonment those who marry with a religious wedding ceremony - without punishing those who live together without a civil marriage - is contradictory to Article 10 of the constitution. It also states that its ruling is based on the principles of “freedom of religion and conscience” and “protection of private life."
  • Summary: "the Federal Prosecutor General in Germany (the equivalent of the U.S. Attorney General) examines in great depth the legality of a drone strike that killed a German citizen and four others in northwest Pakistan in October 2010. The 40-page analysis—issued last year but just recently translated into English—lays out the Prosecutor General’s conclusion that there was no violation of either international or German law, and therefore no basis for going forward with the case against those responsible (“persons unknown”) for the German national’s death."
  • Evergreen na NY Times: debatuje se, jestli je SCOTUS příliš mocný. Somin, Kramer, Friedman etc. 
  • Řecká eurokrize asi bude mít i soudní dohru, Steve Peers popisuje, jak by se postup ECB, který omezil penězovod řeckým bankám, mohl dostat před SDEU.
  • A oblíbené téma migrace u SD: C-153/14 Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken v K and A "Member States may require third country nationals to pass a civic integration examination prior to family reunification. However, exercise of the right to reunification must not be made impossible or excessively difficult."

1 komentář:

Lubomir Majercik řekl(a)...

Záslužné! Jen se obávám, že se to bez týmu lidí, kteří by se specializovali tematicky či geograficky, nedá dlouho v jednom udržet. Co ESLP? :)